Saturday, March 17, 2007


Reviens. Help mon amour. Ton petit Rimbault.

Of course I could leave it at that as the message and probably the reasons behind it are beautiful. But just in case 'Come back. Help my love. Your little Rimbault'.

A (desperate?) love message on the window of a closed shop. For everyone to see, to reflect upon and wonder what happened. Love is everywhere.
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Anonymous said...

hai sa ne vedem maine. nu am vizitat inca pavilionul chinezesc, as vrea sa merg. e ok la 14.00 acolo, la intrare?

daca ai alte propuneri, spune.


Nathalie H.D. said...

Mais que c'est mignon ça ! How cute is that?

What a brilliant find Andreea, congratulations !