Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Brussels Photo: Wednesday, 15 November 2006

The man himself. Napoleon. Defeated by the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo. Rumour has it, that after the defeat, the surrounding land became the property of the Duke of Wellington and still is so today. Which might explain the lack of real estate investement in the area. Tagged with:


Anonymous said...

"Waterloo est une bataille du premier ordre gagnée par un capitaine du second.
Waterloo! Waterloo! Waterloo! Morne plaine!
Comme une onde qui bout dans une urne trop pleine.
Dans ton cirque de bois, de coteaux, de vallons,
La pâle mort mêlait les sombres bataillons."
Victor Hugo

“Waterloo is a first order battle gained by a captain of the second. Waterloo! Waterloo! Waterloo! Dull plain! Like a wave which boils in a too full ballot box. In your circus of wood, slopes, small valleys, The pale dead one mixed the dark battalions. “ Victor Hugo

Anonymous said...

I actually work in Waterloo - despite property prices here, due to the lack of land to permitted to build upon, I actually don't think much of the area. Historically not much of the actual battle happened in Waterloo though it's true that the name is more simpler to pronounce the world over than some of the other neighbouring villages. I was disappointed to learn that most locals were in favour of building a motorway right though the battle field. . .I sometimes think i takes us ex-pats to truly appreciate a places history, your photos capture that better than half the tourist brochures I have seen.


bv said...

It's pretty fairplay from Wellington and family to raise a Napoleon' statue on their estate, isn't it?!...

C'est plutôt fair-play de la part de Wellington et/ou ses descendants d'ériger uns statue de Napoléon sur leurs terres, non?!...