Saturday, January 06, 2007

Boudin Blanc vs Boudin Noir

How many of your started the diet yet? I know I tend to start the year with a new diet and new resolutions. Maybe I'll keep them this year as well.

Just in case you haven't yet said good-bye to all the delicious (calorie full) food, then let me introduce you to a Belgian speciality and delicacy: the Boudin Blanc and the Boudin Noir. Personally I tend to favour the Boudin Blanc. But I'll let you decide for yourselves. Bon appetit.

Thank you to Denton from Greenville DP who is helping the Brussels DP while I am abroad.
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1 comment:

Matthieu said...

Je n'avais, me semble-t-il, encore jamais vu de tels boudins multicolores. Le boudin à base de choux est-il végétarien ?