Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Nothing more than wishing you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and all the best for 2007! See you next year ... well tomorrow :)


Daphne Wayne-Bough said...

Happy New Year Andreea! (I did that photo of the hanging balls in front of St Catherine church too - too tempting wasn't it). Look forward to your daily photo in 2007.

Olivier said...

Bonne année, bonne santé
"Le temps passe, les années filent. Quand une nouvelle année commence, on se demande toujours si elle apportera la paix et le bonheur à chacun... Fermez les yeux et faites un voeu !"

Good year, good health
time passes, the years slip by. When a new year starts, one always wonders if it will bring peace and happiness to each one… Close the eyes and make a wish!

Lisi said...

Greetings from Hong Kong and Healthy New Year!
And I love your ferris wheel photo!