cunoastem, cunoastem! locuiesc in bruges de 3 luni, am facut cateva vizite la bruxelles si am dat peste blogul tau, cu multe fotografii. am si eu un blog la si multe fotografii in memoria macbook-ului. felicitari!
Fascinating architecture! This is reminiscent of some of the old houses in Cape Town which are currently being restored to their former glory. As a member of the trivago community I have had an introduction to many of the sights of Brussels and would very much like to experience it firsthand sometime. Some great pics at your blog - keep up the good work!
cunoastem, cunoastem!
locuiesc in bruges de 3 luni, am facut cateva vizite la bruxelles si am dat peste blogul tau, cu multe fotografii. am si eu un blog la si multe fotografii in memoria macbook-ului.
Fascinating architecture! This is reminiscent of some of the old houses in Cape Town which are currently being restored to their former glory. As a member of the trivago community I have had an introduction to many of the sights of Brussels and would very much like to experience it firsthand sometime. Some great pics at your blog - keep up the good work!
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