As I was mentioning, the Europalia includes several events. One of them is the Agorafolly, a public display of art. Very controversial discussions at the moment as many works of art have been destroyed by vandalism yet the city doesn't seem to do anything about it ... so the artists took matter into their
own hands. A very much needed initiative.
Oh and btw, Belgium still doesn't have a government!
si de ce ar avea nevoie de guvern ? in romania exista guvern si la ce ne ajuta ? deci se poate si fara ... hahaha
sa inteleg ca si fratele tau e in belgia ? sau de ce nu a mai continuat cu bvdp ? merci pt oferta ...
btw , prietenul meu cel mai bun a plecat in belgia in 1990 si din cite stiu eu munceste undeva in bruxelles dar face naveta cam o ora. chiar , ar trebui sa mai iau legatura cu el ... hahaha ... merci
I thought Belgium had elections months ago! Wow. You can have our govt if you like!
Esti romanca? Nu sunt, dar vorbesc putin :)
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