In action so to speak. Traditioanl Belgian lace was (is) handmade, and here a small demonstration on how it is being produced. Specifically, how the lace is made in Brugge.
It's amazing how fast they move. And how many lace shops you can find in practically any city in Belgium! Also, really liked your "giants" shot from Marolles.
This is great! I wonder how she keeps track of all those bobbins(?)
This craft/art has to be especially difficult on the hands and fingers. I spoke to a Dutch lady once who had to all but give up the craft because of the pain in her hands after many years of making lace.
It's amazing how fast they move. And how many lace shops you can find in practically any city in Belgium!
Also, really liked your "giants" shot from Marolles.
I am both impressed and amazed at the intricacy of the craft!
It's a wonderful tradition. I wonder how long it will last...
This is great! I wonder how she keeps track of all those bobbins(?)
This craft/art has to be especially difficult on the hands and fingers. I spoke to a Dutch lady once who had to all but give up the craft because of the pain in her hands after many years of making lace.
A Beautiful demonstration.
great job..
Brussels and Brugges are the two big cities for Belgian lace. I just hope the tradition lives on.
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