First there was Manneke Pis. And then there was gender equality and political corectness. And here is Janneke Pis (the peeing girl). I would love to know how many of you who visited Brussels ever came across her? :)
A daily photo of the city I live in.
Hmm this is quite interesting...but isn't it a bit offensive?
i lived in brussels for three months and never came across the peeing girl. her male counterpart is far more popular!
I've never even heard of her!
nope, got to see the real thing to appreciate it ;)
I was see that in the travel help book. and I know peeing boy. your picture is very cool!!
I had no idea there was a female counterpart to Manneke Pis! I might be coming to Brussels again in the summer so I'll have to look for her. Where excatly is she located?
Visit me at: http://deetsasdailies.blogspot.com
I didn't know there's a girl, too!
That's funny!
I love the photo but I do have to say I find peeing statues ...strange
I did know of her existence, but didn't know where she was. Oh well!
I'm glad there's equality, lol!
Cute statue!
have heard of janneke but don't where she is. point me in the right direction for my next trip to brussels.
anne, not so much. the girl is behind bars (!), so barely visible. i had to slide my hands and camera through to take the picture.
barista, you are right there!
franje, i guess we learn something new every day :)
fotoaddict, nothing beats the real thing.
kais, thnaks.
nerissa, buzzgirl, grant - the girl is just opposite a very famous (and BUSY) beer bar called Delirum at www.deliriumcafe.be. the beer bar sells over 300 types of beer, the peeing girl is just next door. what more could you ask for? :)
carol, i agree. it is a little strange.
sam, i'm all about girl power :)
Wonderful and informative web site. I used information from that site its great. » » »
Hi Andreea, fyi; the DeliriumCafe sells more than 2000 (not 300) beers. It holds the Guinness Book World Record for the most beers !
Well, I don't actually think this is likely to have effect.
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