Keeping in the spirit of Belgium and the love for cartoons: the current campaign on garbage bins to keep Brussels clean. Everyone is a winner.
A funny anecdote to go with this picture: while taking it, two children (age 7 to 10) approached me asking 'Madame, vous etes journaliste?'. Totally flattered by the 'journalist' reaction. Still have to decide how I feel about the 'Madame' :)
Love the cartoon theme of the last two pictures!
hahaha...I would have the same reaction :D
andreea, this (unfortunately) has nothing to do with the bande dessinée theme.
i have seen old postcards of mont des art with a beautiful staircase on the hillside. when i lived there i never saw anything like that and i wonder if it was rebuilt or destroyed.
do you know anything about mont des arts?
my friend got very antsy at being referred to as Madame in paris! like the campaign - very belgian!!
Excellent, love it! » » »
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