Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Tuesday, 11 April 2006

I posted before on the love of Belgians for cartoons - from walls and more walls to BD (bande dessines/ cartoon strips).

Then a 'request' came from Karine in Buenos Aires: can I find anything on TinTin and Milou? Well ... there was no wall cartoon to be found, but in the right coner of the picture you can see your favorites. And for a closer look - voila!

Enjoy :)


G Fraser said...

les BDs!! I bought a set of Tintin DVDs very cheaply when I was last in Brussels - great to show to 1st years at the end of term when you've run out of energy to teach!!

Lorethian said...

Is this a local book store or game store?


Lorethian said...

Is this a local book store or game store?


perle de rosée said...

Yes, I see "Tintin and Milou" from Hergé above. It's our childhood...

Monsieur Pain d'épices said...

merci de ton passge la porte est ouverte 7/7 il y a toujours du café et des mignardises

Deetsa said...

Is this the comic store that has two floors. I remember one with weird metal floors on the second level. Is this it?